Client Satisfaction Survey Forms

If you are a current client, here's where you can access the links to our client satisfaction survey forms that allow you to give feedback about your counselling experience. Your therapist will usually discuss these with you at the first session.

There are three types of surveys here:

  • Post-Session Survey: a brief feedback survey to be completed after each session.
  • In-Depth Periodic Survey: a more in-depth survey assessing progress to be completed every 3 to 4 sessions.
  • Closing Survey:  an in-depth survey to be completed at the conclusion of counselling.

If you wish to participate, research and experience shows that the more ongoing feedback you offer your therapist about what is or isn't working and the more consistently you track your progress over time, the better the outcome.

Post-Session Survey - After a Session

This survey is meant to be completed after one of your therapy sessions. Your responses give your therapist immediate feedback about the usefulness of a session that will help in making adjustments as needed.

In-depth Periodic Survey - Every 3-4 Sessions

This survey is meant to be filled out every 3-4 sessions on a periodic basis. Your responses give your therapist immediate feedback about whether counselling is "on the right track" or whether adjustments are needed to make it more helpful to you.

Closing Survey - After Counselling Has terminated

This survey is to complete at the end of counselling services when you have no further scheduled visits. It is intended to provide information about your overall experience with Cobb & Asssociates Inc. and the progress you made over time.

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